As Ayoba!s three year run came to an end this last weekend we managed a cracker of a game! I was very lucky this week to receive some 'crib notes' from Amy post-match, I was clearly too busy chatting at the back to realise what was going on half the time.
1. Shelz, always afraid of the cold, wears tights under her shin-pads! According to Amy they
do that in Malaysia because they're Muslim, although Shelz is not a practising Muslim we
love it, it's a classy look for sure.
2. Coach Batman missed the game...AGAIN, but Mikey Mike filled in and was kept busy
coaching the forwards, lots of 'subbing'.
3. 13 goals were scored through Res Inc.'s kicking-back's legs.
4. Emma hurt her thumb...
5. It was cold.
6. Sammy did an interpretive dance on the side of the field, apparently it worked on
Saturday night as a part of her 'naps' strategy.
7. We're still not entirely sure if Bee played.
8. Shelley scored a hat-trick; for that she was supposed to take her tights off.
9. Donne's dreams of a hat-trick were quickly shattered when Mike pulled her off
after her first.
10. Candice's dreams of a hat-trick never existed.
11. Monty shouted something strange at one point and then started running around weirdly.
For all those who have contributed in some way or another to Ayoba! and the past three years, the memories will last forever! Ayoba yoba yoba yo!