Wednesday, 22 February 2012

If I were the boss...

Well I am, the boss of me atleast! Being the boss means I can choose how to treat myself. At the moment it's all about health.

I have just returned from three months of travelling through Australia, Italy and the UK. I had a fantastic time, but my poor body suffered. I didn't wear a pair of running trainers once, I ate all kinds of yummy things and my liver and me became enemies. So my body decided on return that it would rebel against me and together with the scale the two of them shocked me back into reality!

I have now taken charge, I am the boss, and we, my body and me, are eating much less and have joined a running group, Run/Walk for Life. However, we have found some common ground and agreed that our happy place, wine, should remain exactly that.

                              (photo exported from

(photo exported from


  1. Awesome blog caits :) To the point. Good luck with the health lifestyle:)

  2. It does show that you the boss indeed. I like how you clear with words.
