Unless you’re a talkative person like myself. Why can’t I do both, practice a little and talk a lot? My mother says I talk too quickly; I speak before I think, I don’t consider my choice of words carefully enough. But how can I when I’m thinking so quickly? I am an impatient person; thinking before speaking goes against everything I am.
Maybe the message I need to take from this is not ‘one is better than the other,’ but that together- practicing a little patience perhaps and talking a lot- these actions will achieve more than they would alone. “Better” for some person is not the same as “better” for another; analyse your situation carefully, choose what suits you best, and make the most of both actions. Don’t let words get the “better” of you!
(image exported from www.indulgy.com) |
Well written, and would be wise words to follow by many. Well done :)